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Income Driven Repayment Plans and Student Loan Forgiveness in 2024

Income driven repayment plans allow federal student loan borrowers to make affordable monthly payments based on their income and family size. After being enrolled in one of these plans and making qualifying payments for 20-25 years, any remaining loan balance can be forgiven.

These plans provide an alternative path to becoming student debt free compared standard 10-year repayment plans. They are intended to help ease the burden of student loans for those struggling to make payments.

This guide will explain everything you need to know about using income driven repayment plans for federal student loan forgiveness.

Overview of Income Driven Repayment (IDR) Plans

There are currently four income driven repayment plans available from the Federal Department of Education:

  • Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)
  • Pay As You Earn (PAYE)
  • Income-Based Repayment (IBR)
  • Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR)

These plans are available to federal student loan borrowers, including those with Direct Loans and FFEL Loans managed by the Department of Education. Private student loans do not qualify.

The plans allow for affordable monthly payments based on your discretionary income, which is calculated using your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and family size. Payments are recalculated each year based on changes to income and family size.

After making the equivalent of 20-25 years worth of qualifying monthly payments, any remaining balance on the loans is forgiven tax-free.

These plans provide flexible repayment options for those who might otherwise struggle with high monthly payments that are difficult to manage based on their current income.

The tradeoff is that interest continues accruing on the loans while enrolled. So the total balance owed may increase substantially over the 20-25 year span before reaching forgiveness. Total interest costs end up being higher compared to aggressively paying down debt through standard 10 year repayment.

However, forgiveness at the end makes these plans ideal for borrowers who expect their future income potential to be limited, or those who anticipate going into public service jobs with modest salaries. The plans provide a path to becoming debt-free through steady, affordable payments tied directly to your ability to pay over time.

Below we will examine the eligibility requirements for income driven repayment plans as well as compare the pros and cons of each specific option: REPAYE vs PAYE vs IBR vs ICR.

Are You Eligible for An Income Driven Repayment Plan?

Income driven repayment plans are available to borrowers with eligible federal student loans including:

  • Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans (for graduate & professional students)
  • Direct Consolidation Loans

You must meet the following additional eligibility criteria:

  • Loans must not be in default
  • Only applies to loans disbursed on or after July 1, 1994

The income requirements vary slightly by plan:

Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)

No income eligibility requirements. All borrowers qualify regardless of income.

Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

You must demonstrate partial financial hardship showing that the monthly payment amount under PAYE does not exceed what would be due under a standard 10 year repayment plan.

Income-Based Repayment (IBR)

There are two versions of IBR with different income requirements:

IBR Pre-July 2014: Your monthly payment under this plan must be lower than what would be due under a standard 10 year repayment.

IBR Post-July 2014: You must demonstrate partial financial hardship by certifying that the monthly payment amount under IBR does not exceed what would be due under a standard 10 year repayment plan.

Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR)

All Direct Loan borrowers qualify for ICR regardless of income level. Eligibility is the same as under REPAYE.

So in summary, REPAYE and ICR have no specific income requirements for eligibility. All federal loan borrowers can qualify.

Whereas PAYE and the newer version of IBR do require you to demonstrate that your payment would be less under the income driven plan compared to a standard 10 year repayment amount.

For most borrowers, satisfying the eligibility criteria is straightforward. Contact your student loan servicer to discuss enrolling if your loan payments currently feel unaffordable based on your income.

Below we’ll explore the pros and cons of each specific plan to help inform which option may be right for your situation.


While the four income driven repayment plans share similarities, there are some key differences to understand when it comes to monthly payment amounts, repayment timelines, and other factors that contribute to total interest costs.

Analyzing a few pros and cons can help borrowers decide if pursuing one of these plans for forgiveness after 240-300 monthly payments is the right approach.

Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)

The Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) plan has the most generous terms and lowest monthly payments of the four options:

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Pros of REPAYE

  • Most affordable monthly payments at 10% of discretionary income
  • Payments recalculated each year based on income and family size
  • Interest subsidy benefit for subsidized loans (first 3 years)
  • No income requirements to qualify
  • Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) eligible

Cons of REPAYE

  • Interest accrues increasing total debt owed over time
  • Loans forgiven after 20 years (undergrad) or 25 years (grad student)
  • Unpaid interest may be added onto principal at certain points
  • Monthly payments can be more than standard plan for high incomes

REPAYE provides the most generous terms for reducing monthly payments and working towards loan forgiveness. It is a great option for struggling borrowers.

One downside is the possibility of interest capitalization leading to balance increases. Also the long repayment timeline means total interest costs accrue substantially before reaching forgiveness.

Still, REPAYE should be strongly considered by those needing immediate payment relief. It provides flexibility when incomes are lower.

Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

Pay As You Earn (PAYE) is very similar to REPAYE. However it does come with slightly higher monthly payments at 10% of discretionary income compared to REPAYE’s 10%.

Pros of PAYE

  • Affordable payments at 10% of discretionary income
  • Recalculated yearly based on income and family size
  • Interest subsidy benefit for subsidized loans (first 3 years)
  • Eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)

Cons of PAYE

  • Limited eligibility requirements
  • Interest accrues over time increasing total debt
  • Loans forgiven after 20 years (undergrad) or 25 years (grad)
  • Monthly payment cap can mean larger monthly payments for high debt balances

PAYE provides many of the same benefits of REPAYE when it comes to lowering monthly payments and counting towards forgiveness.

However, REPAYE does have slightly more generous payment terms overall. So PAYE may make more sense once income levels increase and/or the interest subsidy benefit expires after the first three years of enrollment.

Income-Based Repayment (IBR)

The legacy Income-Based Repayment (IBR) plan is the oldest income driven repayment option. It shares similarities with PAYE including the 10% payment cap based on discretionary income.

However there are key differences as well:

Pros of IBR

  • Monthly payments capped at 10% (new borrowers) or 15% (pre 2014 borrowers) of discretionary income
  • Recalculated yearly based on changes to income and family size
  • More flexible partial financial hardship eligibility test
  • Counts towards Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)

Cons of IBR

  • Higher monthly payments than REPAYE or newer IBR version
  • Interest accrues increasing total amount owed over time
  • Loans forgiven after 20 years (undergrad) or 25 years (grad)
  • Monthly payment can exceed amount due under 10 year standard repayment plan for high incomes

Since IBR has been around the longest, it is technically the most “tested” income driven repayment program available. So if you prefer an established option, IBR would be the choice over newer plans like REPAYE or PAYE which are still evolving.

However for most borrowers, REPAYE and PAYE provide lower payments and savings over the life the loan so are likely better options if monthly affordability is the chief concern.

Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR)

The Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR) plan calculates payments differently than other options. Monthly payments under ICR are the lesser of:

  • 20% of discretionary income
  • What you would pay under a fixed 12 year repayment timeline adjusted based on income

It shares some similarities with PAYE and IBR:

Pros of ICR

  • Most flexible eligibility requirements
  • Counts towards Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
  • Possible to recalculate payments more frequently than once yearly

Cons of ICR

  • Monthly payments can exceed 10 year standard repayment plan amounts
  • 20% of discretionary income cap is higher than other IDR plans
  • Interest accrues over entire repayment term
  • Loans forgiven after 25 years

The income calculations make ICR unique compared to other options. Monthly payment amounts end up being higher in many cases unless income is very low.

ICR is best suited for borrowers looking to maximize flexibility in terms of qualifying and recalculating payments as income fluctuates. It provides less payment relief overall but does offer an alternative path to forgiveness after 300 monthly payments.

Maximizing Forgiveness Under Income Driven Repayment Plans

The promise of student loan forgiveness is what makes income driven repayment plans so enticing for certain borrowers. After making monthly payments for 20, 25, or even 30 years based on income, any remaining loan balances can be wiped away.

However, to maximize the likelihood loans are fully forgiven, managing interest accruals over such a long timeline is critical.

Remember that unpaid interest gets added to the principal balance at certain points under income driven repayment plans for most federal loan types. This phenomenon is known as “interest capitalization”.

Capitalized interest increases the total loan principal amount owed. So when forgiveness finally happens decades later, the canceled amount may be substantially higher due directly to accumulated interest costs.

Strategies to limit interest growth can help minimize balances over the life of the loan:

  • Make additional payments when possible – Any extra payments go directly towards reducing principal. This lowers the total balance owed long-term. Even occasional lump-sum contributions can make a difference over 20+ years of accumulating interest under IDR plans.
  • Re-certify income annually – Recertifying income is required every year to recalculate payment amounts. But doing so more frequently can reset accrued interest ensuring it does not capitalize onto principal mid-year increasing overall debt.
  • Refinance remaining private loans – Many borrowers have a mix of federal and private student loans. Consider targeting any private loans first for refinancing at lower rates. This minimizes the highest-cost debt from accruing extra interest across the IDR term.
  • Pay off highest-rate loan types first – Federal loan types like Direct PLUS Loans for graduate students or Direct Unsubsidized Loans often have higher interest rates compared to Direct Subsidized Loans or other variations. Opting to pay down higher interest rate debt where possible saves substantially on interest over the long run.

The flexibility of income driven repayment plans makes them a lifeline for struggling borrowers to avoid delinquencies and remain in good standing. But maximizing forgiveness down the road involves diligently limiting interest growth wherever possible over 20+ years of enrollment.

Pros and Cons of Using IDR Plans for Loan Forgiveness

Let’s recap some of the key advantages and potential disadvantages when using income driven repayment strategies:


  • Affordable Monthly Payments – IDR plans base payments on income level, not total debt owed. This eases short-term cash flow compared to standard plans.
  • Interest Subsidy Benefit – No interest accrues on subsidized loans for the first 3 years of enrollment for REPAYE and PAYE plans. This saves money.
  • Pathway to Loan Forgiveness – The incentive for enrolling is having unpaid balances discharged after 240 monthly payments (300 payments for ICR plan).
  • ** counts toward Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)** – Qualifying payments under any IDR plan also satisfy requirements to have federal loans forgiven through PSLF after 10 years of payments while working full-time for an eligible nonprofit or public sector employer. The PSLF program forgives all remaining loan balances tax-free.
  • Interest Rates Are Fixed – IDR plans do not change the fixed interest rates on federal loans. Rates remain constant over the life of the loan, whereas private student loan rates often fluctuate making exact interest projections difficult. Federal loans retain the certainty of fixed rates for better predictability.
  • Forgiven Balances Are Tax-Free – Federal loans discharged under income driven repayment previsions do not count as taxable income. This differs from private student loan forgiveness programs which may trigger taxes owed on canceled balances. Keeping forgiven amounts tax-free through federal IDR forgiveness is a major benefit.


  • Debt Balances Increase – Interest keeps accruing over the 20-25 year terms. Unless payments are made faithfully and on-time, interest capitalization can lead to balance inflation rather than pay down. IDR plans do encourage better behavior in order to receive maximum forgiveness.
  • Higher Total Interest Costs – Long repayment timelines result in more interest paid overall compared to standard 10 year repayment schedule. IDR forgiveness only financially beneficial if you struggle repaying at higher standard payment amounts. There is a “price” for lower monthly payments.
  • Possible Unpaid Interest Capitalization – Accrued interest can get added onto loan principal at certain points increasing total debt owed. This reduces full forgiveness amounts after 240 or 300 monthly payments are made unless unpaid interest is minimized.
  • Tax Liability on Forgiven Interest – If certain eligibility technicalities are not met over 20-25 years of income driven payments, canceled interest may become taxable as income. This complex issue requires analysis with a tax professional. Capitalizing interest or leaving IDR early increases risks. Hence why persisting in the same IDR plan for the full term improves success odds.
  • Annual Income Verification – Must recertify income and family size each year to recalculate new monthly payment amount. Failing to do annual verification can jeopardize qualifying payments tracking toward forgiveness.
  • Loans Entering Default – Late payments or allowing loans to enter default will prevent qualifying payments under IDR plans. Defaulted federal loans lose eligibility for income driven repayment options and forgiveness pathways.

Assessing the long-term tradeoffs is essential when evaluating using income driven repayment for the purposes of student loan forgiveness many years down the road. Not everyone may benefit financially from chasing forgiveness compared to aggressively paying down debt.

Running repayment simulations can estimate total savings potential across different approaches.

Carefully considering the pros and cons allows determining if pursuing an income driven strategy aligned to cancellation of remaining balances after 20-25 years of payments is suitable.

Applying for Income Driven Repayment Plans on Federal Student Loans

To apply for an income driven repayment plan on federal student loans, follow this step-by-step process:

  1. Determine Eligibility – Assess if you have an eligible loan type and meet income requirements for the specific IDR plan desired. Contact loan servicer with any eligibility questions.
  2. Compare Plans – Decide which income driven plan makes most sense by analyzing options in context of your family size, expected income growth, target forgiveness timeline, likelihood of qualifying payments etc. Assess tradeoffs using repayment calculators mapping different scenarios.
  3. Document Income – Have your most recent tax returns, pay stubs, documentation of additional income ready. These will be needed to complete the application proving current income.
  4. Complete Application – Apply for the income driven repayment plan chosen using the online form or via paper application. Applications processed by loan servicer.

Conclusion: Who Should Enroll in an Income Driven Repayment Plan?

Income driven repayment plans empower federal student loan borrowers to make affordable payments based directly on income level to work towards loan forgiveness after 20-25 years of steady enrollment.

These plans provide flexibility for those who might otherwise struggle repaying their loans through standard 10-year repayment schedules.

But who should consider committing to two decades or repayment under an IDR plan to receive debt cancellation?

In general, income driven repayment paired with forgiveness pathways make the most sense for these borrower profiles:

  • Recent graduates or dropouts with lower earnings potential in their career field
  • Workers who spend most of their careers in lower-paying public service fields
  • Borrowers who need immediate relief from unaffordable monthly payments but expect income to rise substantially long-term
  • Anyone who prioritizes minimizing monthly student loan expenses today above all else
  • Families supporting multiple children or dependents on a tight budget

Before enrolling, be sure to understand the pros and cons including higher lifetime interest costs. Run repayment simulations to estimate potential savings based on your specific situation.

While not right for everyone, income driven plans allow federal borrowers multiple options for reducing monthly payments to just 10-20% of “discretionary income” as defined by the government.

After making payments faithfully for 20-25 years, you can then qualify to have the remainder of federal student loan balances canceled completely tax-free.

For struggling borrowers, income driven repayment can provide a light at the end of the tunnel and hope for becoming student debt free.

Will my income driven repayment plan be forgiven?

Yes, borrowers enrolled in income-driven repayment (IDR) plans like REPAYE or PAYE are eligible for federal student loan forgiveness after making 20-25 years of qualifying monthly payments on their federal loans. The remaining balance is canceled tax-free after meeting repayment timeline requirements.

How can income-driven repayments help pay off student debt?

Income-driven repayment plans help borrowers manage student debt by setting affordable monthly payments at 10-20% of discretionary income. Over 20-25 years, loans are partially paid down through steady payments tied to income. Any balances still owed after this extended repayment term are forgiven tax-free.

What is the difference between IDR and IBR student loans?

IDR (income-driven repayment) is an umbrella term referring to plans like REPAYE, PAYE, IBR (Income-Based Repayment) and ICR that base monthly payments on income level. IBR is one specific income-driven plan with payments capped at 10% of discretionary income and loans forgiven after 20-25 years.

Is income driven repayment plan good?

Yes, income-driven repayment plans are typically good options for borrowers struggling with high monthly payments. IDRs make payments affordable by linking them to income level rather than total debt owed. They provide a pathway to loan forgiveness after 20-25 years of enrollment.

What is one disadvantage of the income based repayment plan?

One disadvantage of income-based repayment plans is that interest keeps accruing over the 20+ year term, so total debt owed often balloons before loans are forgiven, reducing the cancellation benefit. Unpaid interest can also capitalize onto the principal balance, increasing total debt.

How many payments on IDR before forgiveness?

240 monthly payments over 20 years (300 over 25 years) must be made before unpaid federal student loan balances are forgiven under income-driven repayment plans. Any remaining loan amounts are discharged tax-free after making all required monthly payments.

Do I have to be on an IDR to qualify for student loan forgiveness?

Yes, being enrolled in an eligible income-driven repayment (IDR) plan such as PAYE or REPAYE is a requirement to benefit from federal student loan forgiveness provisions after 20-25 years of steady payments. You must be on an IDR plan to receive cancellation of remaining balances.

What is the IDR plan for 10 years?

The only income-driven repayment (IDR) plan with a 10-year timeline is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program, which forgives federal student loan balances after 120 payments over 10 years for qualifying public service employees. Payments must be made under an IDR plan while working full-time for an eligible employer.

How do I know if I have an IDR student loan?

You have an income-driven repayment (IDR) student loan or are enrolled in an IDR plan if your monthly payment amount corresponds to 10-20% of your discretionary income rather than the total balance owed. Contact your federal loan servicer to confirm if you are repaying under REPAYE, PAYE, IBR or another IDR program.

Which income driven repayment plan is best?

REPAYE generally provides the most generous terms and lowest monthly payments among income-driven repayment plans and is the best option for those seeking immediate relief. PAYE and IBR are also strong choices. The best plan depends on your financial situation and career trajectory.

Do I need to consolidate my student loans for IDR?

No, you do not need to consolidate federal student loans to enroll in income-driven repayment (IDR) plans. IDR plans allow flexible eligibility across multiple loans. Consolidating can simplify tracking qualifying payments but is not strictly necessary for getting started with REPAYE, PAYE or other IDR options.

What percentage is IBR student loan?

Under the Income-Based Repayment (IBR) plan, monthly federal student loan payments are capped at 10% of a borrower’s discretionary income if the IBR loan originated after July 2014 or 15% of discretionary income for pre-2014 debt. The percentage differs based on when IBR student loans first originated.

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